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Manuscript Critique


A manuscript critique is an evaluation of your novel's plot, structure, tone, point(s) of view, worldbuilding, pacing, dialogue, consistency, and character arcs. I will read your story and send you a 5–30 page feedback letter with actionable advice on how to tackle revisions.

This is helpful if you are on a budget and can apply feedback without in-line comments. It's also popular with querying authors who don't necessarily want a full dev edit.

What you get: An editorial letter.

Developmental Editing


Developmental editing, similar to a manuscript critique, evaluates your novel's plot, structure, tone, point(s) of view, worldbuilding, pacing, dialogue, consistency, and character arcs.


In addition to sending you a feedback letter, I will add detailed comments in the margins via Word's Track Changes feature, which you can use as a guide to apply specific feedback when writing your next draft.  

What you get: Comments in the margins and an editorial letter.

Line Editing


Line or stylistic editing is tightening up sentences at a line and paragraph level. I suggest fixes for issues like writing in a passive voice, using too many adverbs or adjectives, telling vs. showing, unnecessary words, repetition, unclear phrasing, unintended shifts in tone, and mixed metaphors. This service is best after applying beta reader comments and developmental editing. 

What you get: In-line suggestions.

Query Package Critique


Receive feedback on your query letter (and other submission materials) from an editor who has evaluated hundreds of slush-pile queries and first pages. Build your own package from the following options and flat rates (prices in CAD):

Query letter critique: $50

Second-pass* query letter critique: $20

Synopsis critique: $50

Second-pass synopsis critique: $20

First 10 pages (2500 words) critique: $50

First 50 pages (12,500 words) critique: $200

Second pass on pages: $0.01 per word

*A second-pass critique means that I did an initial critique and you would like feedback on your revisions.


What you get: The Word document back with comments in the margins and in-line suggestions, plus a summary of feedback and recommended changes via email.



Request an Edit

I would love to know more about your project! Fill out the editing query form if you're interested in working together, or send me an email if you have any questions.

Note: I specialize in fantasy, science fiction, horror, and mystery for middle grade, young adult, new adult, and adult readers. I will very occasionally work on a nonfiction project if it's related to disability, chronic illness, video games, tabletop games, and/or pop culture.  

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