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Comp-Finder Databases

These databases list novels (debuts, standalones, and first in series) that have been traditionally published in the last five years. Use them to find comp titles for your query letter by filtering for subgenre, age category, and/or publication year, then look at tags that have similarities to your novel. You can also use these databases to find recently-published books to add to your TBR (I certainly do!).


Note that many novels fall under more than one genre; for example, a book could be both dark fantasy and contemporary fantasy. Instead of duplicating the titles under both genres, I chose the genre that I thought best matched the book’s summary, and then I added the other genre as a tag.


If you find these databases helpful, please let me know! Tag me on social media or shoot me an email. I'd love to know if they are being used and if I should continue to update them or add more genres.

A database of traditionally published debut, standalone, and first-in-series horror novels from the past five years.

A database of traditionally published debut, standalone, and first-in-series sci-fi novels from the past five years.

A database of traditionally published debut, standalone, and first-in-series fantasy novels from the past five years.

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